It is not permissible for him to be intimate with you during the time of iddah without the intention of reconciliation. 

Would this impact the iddah or not, this is an issue of dispute. 

Sheikh ibn Othaimeen says that the iddah is still valid but he is sinful 

I am inclined to say that this iddah is broken and by having intercourse, this is considered revoking of the divorce and they are back as man and wife, and Allah knows best. 

QUESTION: I am in my iddah period and my husband and i have been intimate but he has no intention of recounciling. Does being intimate during this time recouncile the marriage? Is there any evidences such as hadiths concerning the intimacy/foreplay during iddah period Please help me if you can. I am in my iddah and my husband still wants to be intimate with me kissing hugg