QUESTION: Taraweeh is prayed at a local hotel where the men and women are in the same room. The women are in the rows located in the back, but there is no barrier between the last row of the men and the first row of the women. Is it permissible to pray in this setting?
QUESTION: Taraweeh is prayed at a local hotel where the men and women are in the same room. The women are in the rows located in the back, but there is no barrier between the last row of the men and the first row of the women. Is it permissible to pray in this setting?
This is the sunnah and this is how prayers were held during the times of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam.
QUESTION: Taraweeh is prayed at a local hotel where the men and women are in the same room. The women are in the rows located in the back, but there is no barrier between the last row of the men and the first row of the women. Is it permissible to pray in this setting?