You have to ignore these thoughts as they are waswas from the shaytaan! Recite your daily adhkar and keep yourself busy with the remembrance of Allah. Also perform ruqyah on water and drink lots from it every day. Here is how to perform ruqyah:

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Yes this is waswas from shaytan. Ignore these thoughts and do not pay any attention to your classmates when they are talking. You should have confidence in yourself! You should not be eavesdropping on their conversations anyway!

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You have the freedom of choice! Either you’re a Muslim and stick at least to your 5 obligatory prayers and think positive and highly of Allah and know that He loves to forgive, or you give up and don’t pray at all and end up being an apostate and in hell for eternity! Such thoughts […]

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These are wiswas from the shaytan that you must fight and ignore. His main goal is to stop you from sharing good things with others then he will make you leave islam all together. As long as you don’t utter those words or believe them, there is nothing on you, in shaa Allah. Make ruqya […]

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