ANSWER: This is not sufficient. The water must reach the whole length and all your hair including the scalp.

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ANSWER: You must take ghusul after removing your nail polish and repeat the prayers you had performed. There is no sin on you for intercourse as you didn’t know.

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ANSWER: You need to check with your physician as you might be diabetic! If this is only felt after urinating, this is from satan and he is messing with your head. But if it is constantly coming out like 24/7, this is a medical illness.

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ANSWER: You shouldn’t do that however as this opens the door for Satan and for OCD. All you need to do is to urinate and relax until all is out without any squeezing from your side. After that, wash your private part and testicles and sprinkle water on your underwear and perform wudhu.  Do not check your private part after that or squeeze it and […]

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