ANSWER: Most people are ignorant about the difference between intoxicants such as wine and alcohol and they make them the same thing! Alcohol is not intoxicating by itself as if anyone drinks it, he would die. Likewise, it is permissible to buy alcohol for medical purposes, sanitizers, perfumes etc and if this was intoxicating, then […]

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ANSWER: If there is a threat on one’s life or safety, this is not permissible as it is throwing one in harm’s way without a proper justification.

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ANSWER:  If you have not wronged that person, his curses or bad Duas would have no impact. He would be sinful for doing such duaa.

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ANSWER: This is not permissible as Allah has said that your body has rights on you. This body does not belong to us, it’s an amanah from Allah, you have no right to torture and abuse it like this. Take immediate medical help.

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ANSWER: This is satan messing up with your head and camouflaging it under dawah! How can you give dawah using haram means while angering Allah? Satan is setting you up for a major sin and you are the one responsible for that. If you can’t help it or control yourself, prepare yourself for Allah’s wrath […]

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ANSWER: There’s no pleasing or obedience to anyone at the cost of disobedience to Allah. You must be diplomatic, respectful and humble towards your parents in all situations while at the same time not compromising on any rulings of Islam. You must sincerely repent to Allah while showing deep remorse and never touch your beard […]

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