ANSWER: It is not mandatory and your Tawaf is valid even if you didn’t do that. If there is no crowd, it is sunnah to kiss it. If you are not able, simply point at it. Women must not squeeze themselves among men to do such a thing.

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ANSWER: No problem in this within the city without a mahram if its safe. It’s not permissible to travel outside the city limits because Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam forbade this and said its not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the day of judgement to travel without her male mahram. 

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ANSWER: What they say about performing only one hajj and umrah per lifetime is not true . Even though Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam had done hajj only once, there is no problem, none whatsoever to make umrah and hajj as many times as we can as he recommended that and told us to […]

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