ANSWER: This is, like all different types of provisions; in the hands of Allah. Many girls get married when Allah wills it. Some marry more than once. Others may marry a married man and accept to be a co wife. 

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ANSWER: The same way we understand how Allah favored prophet Mohammed salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam over all other prophets and messengers!  This is only to Allah and He favors and prefers whatever He wills.

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ANSWER: Such people are ignorant imbeciles.  Why don’t they sit home and if Allah wills it, their provision will come their way and they don’t have to work or cook to eat and drink and everything will come to them by the will of Allah? Why when they see a snake or a scorpion coming […]

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ANSWER: No one has the right to question Allah unless they want to reserve their seat in hell for eternity! Why different facial features then? Why not same eye, nose, lips for all?   All different hues have been created so that we are recognised with them, not discriminate against them.  Such discrimination is ignorance and […]

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ANSWER: These thoughts and feelings are very dangerous and can take a person out of the fold of Islam! How dare you think this negatively of Allah who owns everything and is the most generous? When he doesn’t answer your request, does He do that because He is poor and can’t afford it or because […]

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ANSWER: Nobody has the right to question Allah!  Allah tests everyone differently, for some by giving the luxurious life and for some depriving from even the basics. For example, your test might be in objecting to what you see as you are noting in your email!  The prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said that […]

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ANSWER: Tough luck! You don’t get to object. Your choices are limited: obey and submit and you will be admitted to paradise for eternity OR object and disobey and you will live miserably and end up in hell for eternity! The choice is yours! 

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ANSWER: You have serious issues objecting to Allah’s commands and rejecting it with your intellect similarly to how satan refused to prostrate to Adam peace be upon him, Justifying this that it is not logical as Allah  created satan from fire and Adam from clay and logically, fire is more superior to clay! You are […]

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