Such a person is an imbecile. Allah told us not to commit kufr. There are
those who commit kufr!
Likewise, Allah has asked us not to divide. It’s not mentioned in the Qur’an that we won’t be divided. Division and differences among this umrah is inevitable to which history bears witness and so do the texts of the sunnah of our Prophet salla Allahu aliaihi wa sallam.
Whoever rejects the authentic hadiths of the prophet salla Allahu aliaihi wa sallam is a disbeliever as Allah said that he (prophet) does not speak of his own desire.
Kindly refer to the following link(s):

What is the ruling on someone who rejects the Hadith about 73 sects saying that Allah has asked us not to divide into sects Quoting Quran Ch42 -Vs14 and says we should avoid dividing into sects and that Quran should be given preference over Hadith in this regard as 73 sects will not happen and we should avoid getting divide into sects.

Commentary on Hadeeth |