states that taking a woman and sleeping with her is not fitting for a God fearing man. I know that this is a special situation and the captives are given by the leader of the Muslims after jihad and it is is then permissable to have sex with them. My question is what if the woman refuses can she be compelled ? I feel almost all women would hate this situation and few would accept it except with loathing. Although this is academic if I was in this situation I would never force myself on a woman who did not want me. I ofcourse accept whatever Islam says about this. Some say 24.33 indicates that you cannot compel women to have sex but I see this as referring to prostitution not sleeping with your concubine.


In Islam, we don’t have personas of war who are put in concentration camps. We have slavery which is a humane way of treating these prisoners.

These prisoners have great rights in Islam. They must eat and wear from what their masters eat and wear. They can’t be beaten or mistreated as the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam saw a man beating his slave and said to him: remember Allah’s power over you. The man set his slave free for the sake of Allah.

Islam encouraged freeing slaves. Most expiations in Islam include freeing a slave in the very beginning, such as breaking an oath, killing a person accidently, having intercourse while fasting during Ramadan etc.

As for the female slave, Islam secured her freedom if she bore a child from her master. Once she does that, she can’t be sold or given away as her child frees her. She remains a concubine until her master dies and then automatically she is freed.

Concubines were found also in the previous nations. You can check the Bible and you will see that clearly. Prophets of Allah had them such as Ibrahim, Jacob, David, Solomon and many others. This is not a unique thing of Islam.

Most of those who were slaves, accepted Islam because they were given the opportunity to look at it from inside. That is why the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam referred to slavery as a blessing by saying: I was astonished by people in their chains being dragged to Paradise.

The subject of the women captives of war has come up in discussion with a Christian

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