You must look for another job ASAP as the job and the salary of a conventional bank that deals in riba is haram. 

There’s no obedience to the created at the cost of disobedience to the Creator. You are a big man and must make your own decisions. Resign and continue to look hard for jobs and in Sha Allah before your one month notice is over you will get a better job.


Sheikh,I work in a bank.I know it’s haram ,I have tried to convince my father islamically abt it,he says not to quit until I get a better job, despite repeated requests he doesn’t listen,I don’t want to upset him affecting his health, if I quit the atmosphere of home will be disrupted, guide me. And can I get married while doing this job or should I wait till I get a halal job,I am 29 yrs old.

Jobs, Riba |