Jeans is worn by all Muslims and non Muslims! It is like cars, watches and other inventions that are used by all.

This gesture is used by Kafir football players as a sign of triumph and victory. A Muslim imitating them would probably be with them on the day of Judgement. It is an indication that such a person has little commitment to his religion and that he feels inferior.

sheikh some of my friends Do a think called “DAB” it is trending now a days..It is something like putting ur head on your left half bent elbow and right arm streched out and it look devilish to me ,they do it when they get anything right.A friend of mine does it all the time and i told him there are no symbols or signs like this in islam it is not allowed it is imitation of the kuffar so the other said why are u wearing jeans then this is also imitation and i had no answer for this

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