and some go to the extend that they say Mohammed Sallallahu alayhi wasallam as Bhuddha, and saying that God is fear from Hatred (although Allaah says in the Quran that He hates the Mushrikun, Kafirun) etc. What are the guidelines that a Daee should adopt when dealing with reading Scriptures of Religion which perches Shirk from top to bottom (Hindu Scriptures). Should I read these books or abstain from them?


It is not permissible at all to read such books except for few who are strong and knowledgeable in Islam and for a specific purpose.

Shaykh we see Dua’aats using Scriptures of Hinduism, and trying to prove Islam through it, and while proving Tawheed from their books they quote verses like “God is Imageless, Bodyless, formless”,

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