If they are Hindus, this is permissible as dowry is part of their religion! 

This thinking is totally against the teachings of Islam. In Islam its the groom who has to give dowry (Mahr) to the bride and not the other way round.
You should tell your husband about this and that he should man up and not give in to his father’s unreasonable and unislamic demands and bring you home in the sunnah way. 

My Father-in-law told my husband (we only had a nikkah done) that at the time of rukhsati,i should get dowry or i wont be respected because if a girl comes empty handed to the guys house, its like she didn’t have any respect in her parents house,so they married her off with nothing.Also,the family indirectly fill my husband with bad words about me, what do i do?

Dowry, Fiqh of Marriage |