We are not allowed to watch movies because it involves sending our gaze to what Allah is not pleased with and it also involves music.

It goes without saying that movies make people live in fantasy and in a different world than ours. It makes people imagine themselves as worriers, lovers or heroes. It also has a lot of negative effect on people’s judgment as it brainwashes them so that they would like what the movie makers want them to like and hate what the movie makers want them to hate. That is why, you find a lot of people influenced by the west and praising them all the time among the Muslims which led to the loss of the Muslim identity.

It’s a hadith that if we see things that are forbidden then its like adultery of the eyes…. does that mean that wen we watch a movie,we are commiting adultery of the eyes for 2 hours? can u tell sum more resons why seeing movies is not allowed?

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