It is very sad when someone is ungrateful to Allah like this! When you fail to see the countless blessings and favors of Allah, you will never show your gratitude for Him. Imagine if you become blind or unable to walk. Imagine if Allah took your health away and you got cancer. Imagine if you were living in a war-torn country, seeing your children being burnt alive in front of you or your mother being raped. Or you can imagine how life would be if you were living in a region struck by famine and drought and you can barely survive, let alone have three to five meals a day. Fear Allah and appreciate what you are in before Allah takes it away from you. A woman is not allowed to travel without a mahram and she is not also allowed to study in a mixed university! 

I would like to just ask you a ive been feeling really depressed I’ve no wish to live anymore I feel like I’ve wasted my life Ive gotten blacklisted from a medical and I’m going abroad to do mbbs but I feel like I have no desire to live anymore I don’t find peace in praying I can’t talk to my parents I’m always mad I feel like all bad things have been happening to me all the time.

Psychological Problems |