Similarly, when Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, don’t prevent your wives to enter in the Mosque then why Umar (RA) prevented women to enter in the mosque? Please answer all tow questions in the details.


The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam instructed us and ordered us to follow his Sunnah and the Sunnah of his righteously guided caliphs. Omar is one of them may Allah be pleased with them all.

He did this because he wanted to prevent people from taking this issue lightly.

Likewise, when people kept on consuming intoxicants and the Prophet salla Allah alaihi wa sallam ordered the companions to strike a drunk with 40 lashes. Omer, may Allah be pleased with him when he saw people taking this lightly, he instructed the companions to increase it to 80 lashes and this was the recommendation of Ali Ibn Abi Talib the cousin and son in law of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam.

As for preventing the women, I don’t know this and I don’t think that Omer ever instructed such a thing.

I would like to ask that, at the time of Prophet (pbuh), triple divorces considered as one then how can Umar ibn Al-Kattab (RA) opposed and contradicted the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and said if a man give triple divorces at once then all tree are acceptable?

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