You will never understand Islam until you submit your will to Allah and feel like a slave and a servant to Him rather than objecting with zero knowledge and a great amount of arrogance! 

How dare you speak like this and describe the rulings of Islam as hypocritical without knowledge?

First of all, Muslim do not congratulate other Muslims on the birthday of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam! I don’t know where you got this from but whoever is doing this is an innovator and sinful!

You can’t compare Christmas with anything Islamic as it is a pagan tradition and has nothing to do with true Christianity.

The Christians believe in Jesus as the son of god and also as god himself.  When congratulating them on Christmas, you are endorsing their false belief and promoting it! No Muslim would do that but a lot of hypocrites would find their comfort of heart in it!  

Greeting” means to congratulate on the birth of prophet Isa A.S. As Christmas means birth of Prophet Isa A.S (Reference: google) (Also my Christian friends agree to this fact). Muslims do congratulate their Muslim fellows on the birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Then why is it not permissible for a Muslim to say “Merry Christmas”? I can’t understand this hypocritical behaviour.

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