Scholars differed whether wudhu is required for Tawaf or not. The most authentic Opinion is that it is not mandatory. But if you go and make wudhu, you go back and continue where you had stopped.

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Umrah and hajj is only obligatory for the one who is able to do it. Being able to do it includes being able to afford it, and the physical ability to travel and perform the rituals. No one should take out a loan in order to do Hajj or umrah, and it is not recommended […]

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If you left Makkah before doing this Tawaf, your have to slaughter an expiation sheep in Makkah.

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 He has to go back to Makkah and perform sa‘i, because sa‘i is one of the pillars or essential parts of ‘umrah, without that it is not  complete. He can’t simply take off his Ihram and eject his Umrah! He is still in the state of Ihram until he finishes his umrah!

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If they have finished all of the pillars of hajj, they must perform the farewell Tawaf before leaving Makkah! If they leave without doing it, they must expiate this by slaughtering a sheep in Makkah

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