There s nothing that restricts talking while the athan. And Allah knows best

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This depends on which masjid you believe is calling the Athan on time. A lot of masjids call the Athan few minutes before the real time so that people would stop eating in Ramadan. This is wrong because if people pray, their pray would be invalid because it was done before the proper time. Therefore, […]

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It is permissible to consume as much garlic as you wish and anytime. What you are not supposed to do – as a man –is to go into a Masjid while you have eaten garlic because the smell will annoy the worshipers. If you swallow it and it has no smell, you have no problem […]

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No, this is not a masjid. This is a prayer hall or room and it doesn’t takethe ruling of masjids that should be owned for the purpose of prayers and it is made as endowments. And Allah knows best

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It is not part of the Sunnah in the sense that the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam didn’t use to do this. However, he used to ask people after Fajr prayers whether anyone had seen a dream and he would then interpret it to them. But if giving a lecture after Friday Fajr prayer […]

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It is an issue of difference of opinion among the scholars as some allow it. The most authentic opinion is that it is not allowed to be prayed at home. Therefore, if a person misses it, he shouldn’t perform it at home. And Allah knows best

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