ANSWER: It is mandatory for the followers praying behind an Imam to recite the fateha in the silent rakahs and silent prayers, without which your prayer is invalid. It is not mandatory to recite another surah after fateha but you would lose the reward if you didn’t recite it. What is mandatory is to recite […]

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ANSWER: It is Sunnah to keep feet together in sujood but it’s not mandatory.

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ANSWER: You have done a major sin by skipping prayers which some scholars say that this gets you out of the fold of Islam. Asking for forgiveness is sufficient in sha Allah, but it could be better if you pray saltul tawba.

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ANSWER: If you mean you’re missing the fard prayers then this is very dangerous and you must not miss a single prayer. This is a sign that satan is slowly controlling you. You must change your environment, your habits and your friends so that you would get out of this vicious cycle and increase your […]

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