ANSWER: If they are doing it the halal way where the egg and the sperm are from the couple themselves without any 3rd party participation or a surrogate mother and there is nothing haram being done there, this is permissible.

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ANSWER: This is not permissible at all.  Wearing gold is prohibited for men and wearing such metals for cure is not permissible if not proven to be a cure from authentic medical field. 

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ANSWER: Have full faith and reliance upon Allah and go for this test if it’s an important exam while taking the necessary precautions, like face mask, sanitizing and social distancing etc.  What you hear are mostly said to intimidate people and to prepare them mentally to take the vaccine. Less than 1% die of it […]

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ANSWER: No problem in this particular case due to necessity. If you can have your wife masturbate you, this is a must. 

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ANSWER: This is an illness like other illnesses! The fatalities are less than 3% of the infected.  85% of the infected are healed without the need of medical intervention. Therefore, don’t worry about it, get the black seed and honey and also al Qist Al Hindi and this will hasten your full cure and recovery […]

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