ANSWER: Anyone who observes their morning and evening athkaar are protected by the Grace of Allah whether they have memorized the Quran or not! Walking in the park at night has nothing to do with jinn! 

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ANSWER: No you must not. There’s no concept of sacrificing black animals like this as it’s a superstitious belief and can mount to shirk. Most likely such people are sacrificing for the jinn! 

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ANSWER: This is possible. However, if you maintain your daily adhkar, you will be protected from every evil with Allah’s Mercy and Grace. 

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ANSWER: The scholars say that he was a human. The first one who proposed to bring it was a Jinn but the time frame was long. The second one who was a human gave a time frame of a blink of the eye. One shouldn’t waste so much time and effort on such topics that don’t […]

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