In Islam, there isn’t any middle name given to a person. We call people by one name, the son of the father’s name and then the family name or the grandfather’s name. For example, my name is Assim and my father’s name is Luqman and my grandfather’s name is Mohammed and my family name is Al Hakeem. I am known as Assim Alhakeem or Assim Luqman Alhakeem. It is unislamic to give myself a middle name such as Assim Smith Alhakeem.

By the will of ALLAH subhaana wa ta’ala, I have been blessed with a beautiful baby girl a couple of days ago and I wanted to name the child with a middle name I have been told that this might not be permissible … …and does the last name of the child have to be my 1st name or surname? Could you please shed some light? And a recommendation of a middle name would be great.

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