This is totally unacceptable.
Fathers are usually aggressive in nature. Whenever he gets angry at you just bear his anger for 5 minutes. And then from the 6th minute, you will get the best advice in the world. Respect your parents. Never answer him back even if he is wrong and you are right. Always keep a smile on your face and never give him “that look”! You have no excuse in claiming to be practicing while angering your father to this stage where he accuses Islam for your misbehaving and bad attitude.
Kindly refer to the following link(s):

Alhamdulillah I have been practicing deen for 3yrs now bt I have a very bad attitude problem.when me & father starts talking we end up in fight always.I always back answer him alot, he end up getting so angry and calling bad words,curse,bad words on my beard.etc. Please how can i change please sincerely advice or give tips to change this behaviour. I’m trying it for long time.

Fiqh of the family |